By asdfjkl - 15/04/2011 19:51 - United States

Today, my boss friend-requested me on Facebook. My profile picture is of me licking his employee of the month picture for a dare. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 827
You deserved it 52 972

Same thing different taste

Top comments

starquality 7

Did he call you into the office to do the same thing to him?!?  *wink wink nudge nudge*


lmaoatall 6

they say a picture is worth a thousand words, and maybe a few bucks and a promotion if you play your cards right.

sharkton 0

well apparently he thinks you're hot for him. and who does this dumb shit "on a dare"? unless you're 16, I can't understand why you thought it was funny in the first place..

OP may really be be 16... another possible reason for the request...

I'm pretty sure that if he was bothered by it he wouldn't have actually added you. If he ever mentions it, just explain that you were joking around, it probably wont be a big deal at all.

I am the only person without a facebook and I am sooooooo ******* proud of it!!!!!!!!!

sharkton 0

lol. the only the whole world?

who cares? I'm pretty sure that doesn't make you special.

That doesn't make you special. I don't have a facebook either. Get over yourself.

good plan man: purposely accepting a dare knowing your boss will look you up on FB, impressed your boss and left him wondering what you'll do for him, that get you farther than being employee of the month

Gbleier333 4

haven't people told you to not put things on facebook that your work can see? you deserve it retard