By asdfjkl - 15/04/2011 19:51 - United States

Today, my boss friend-requested me on Facebook. My profile picture is of me licking his employee of the month picture for a dare. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 827
You deserved it 52 972

Same thing different taste

Top comments

starquality 7

Did he call you into the office to do the same thing to him?!?  *wink wink nudge nudge*


you idiot how could you not see that coming??

YDI for posting such an embarrassing picture to the Web. What, you were expecting privacy? In Facebook? HAHAHAHAHAHA fool HAHAHAHAHA!!! Remember kids. Once it's on the Web, it's public, and everyone in the world may be able to see it, sooner or later.

steffieee 0

as charlie sheen would say winning^^

trese666 0

since when does the boss get included in employee of the month? liar!!

jenn143c 0

for a dare? are you in grade school?

I don't think I've seen boners ever really make a mistake. Meating seemed very intentional.

Yinky 6

Sry bro I don't know of boners either than my own.. ;)

Pretty_Pink_Lady 10

Then you must be new here. Though, I did enjoy how you inserted a winking face in a comment about boners -the condition, not the person- that was directed at a guy.