By asdfjkl - 15/04/2011 19:51 - United States

Today, my boss friend-requested me on Facebook. My profile picture is of me licking his employee of the month picture for a dare. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 827
You deserved it 52 972

Same thing different taste

Top comments

starquality 7

Did he call you into the office to do the same thing to him?!?  *wink wink nudge nudge*


hmm in NC hell im here in NC too. you should know that could start some thing you cant stop. YDI.

great idea to put a picture like that as your PP. fb may be easy to use, but certainly not for idiots like you. also don't accept a friend request from your boss

bhoover17 0

You should be getting promoted soon for sure.

Yea, Facebook and careers don't mix. You need to make a Friends FB page and a work FB page.

Marija_Lalove 1

....And... What is so bad about it? You licked and what? So that means you should hide under the ground?

do it again and record it I bet all your mates want to see that!