By -_- - 22/04/2015 15:06 - United States - Amherst

Today, my boss gave me the job of dealing with the guys doing the roofing at our store. His reasoning is that since we're all Hispanic, I'm perfect for the job because "You guys all know each other." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 510
You deserved it 2 740

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I am also Hispanic. That's so wrong of your boss to assume that about us... anyways, see you at bowling this Sunday, OP.


RA91 26

Okay, the majority of people on here might not like this but, I'm 100% Hispanic (born & partially raised in a Spanish country) and I think this is hilarious!

SystemofaBlink41 27

Yeah, he was probably just joking, I would've laughed!

Maybe he doesn't speak spanish and was embarrassed about that? You have to admit it might make sense on a language level.

This was my first thought...admittedly there are a lot of ignorant people out there, but maybe he/she just thought OP spoke the same language and so would be able to communicate better and is bad at wording things..

this reminds me of this guy i know. every single black person i talk to happens to be his cousin or something. i dont know how many cousins he has. well over 18 though. well over

snarkytruth 37

Yeah I'm sure that'll teach him to be a better person and to be less racist

Where do you live, Redneck, FL, or WhiteTrash WI.

ayyyyyyyy Mami that's not good at least you can make fun of him in Spanish }:)

userguydude 4