By PuddlePirate - 07/09/2012 16:23 - United States - Mountain Iron

Today, my co-worker and I were having a conversation in Russian. Our boss overheard us talking, shouted, "I know you're talking about me! I speak Spanish too!" and threatened to fire us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 647
You deserved it 3 435

Same thing different taste


JustDerpin 11

In Soviet Russia, your boss speaks Spanish

This is the funniest thing I've read all week!!

Well IF he does fire you and your friend then you can take him to court and make him look stupid (:

How do people THAT stupid even get work in the first place, let alone a position of authority???

In Soviet Russia I kill Polar Bear and swap for baby

Urpoppy 21

#1 Your boss is a complete moron. No surprise there. #2 In California it is illegal to penalize anyone for speaking any other language at work. This may be a state law or federal, but worth finding out. #3 Your boss is a complete moron.

Inediblepeaches 15

93- The FML is from Minnesota, not California.

Why can't people speak in their own language? -_-

102-that wasn't the point. The point was thy knew that at least in California people could not be penalized for this reason and was worth looking into if it applies in Minnesota as well. Am I the only one who reads a comment twice at least to try to understand a comment fully before I respond to it so I don't make an idiot of myself? (I know I am not, it just feels that way when I see so many idiot replays to comments that made sense if you thought about it using your brain)

Your boss is ignorant! My boss is Russian too!

Your comment goes very well with what your picture says. Smh

The two sentences you typed really have nothing to do with each other..

I know right! I actually thought it was a cute comment.... Bless

By the time you get to this comment, you will have lost 32 braincells...

Actually you can drown a fish. Put a freshwater fish in salt water and it will drown or put a saltwater fish in fresh water and it will drown.

Lol yup! Just put in a bucket of bloody water and the fish will drown. I've seen it be done!

IworkAt711 14

This is probably the dumbest thread I've come across in quite a while.

31- Spanish isn't allowed on this sight. This is an English site. Gtfo.

34 - Not English, American you moron >.

#56: I can't tell if you are joking or not. I hope for your sake you are.

31- i bet you went to google translate and typed in that. if you want to actually speak russian like me or anyone else who does, actually learn the god damn language.

B3Y0ND 3

65- Talk about jumping to conclusions...

65 - actually, I have the Russian keyboard on my phone because I really want to get to learn the language. I have no idea what I said, for all I know I could've just told the whole Russian community that I like cocks.

#34 - Don't you mean, 'Spanish isn't allowed on this site' not 'sight'? After all isn't this an English site?

#88 - The point, youve completely missed it

talk about a dumb boss, Russian sounds nothing like Spanish .-.

priceyfml 7

Ikr I don't speak Spanish or Russian but I do know that they sound nothing a like

Maybe the op needs to have a conversation with her boss and see how long they can keep it up before the boss realizes that he's a dumbass

Actually Russian sounds pretty similar to spanish accent wise. R's for example are also doubled. Of course, they are not similar enough to confuse them that easily.

It doesn't matter. The most interesting man in the world ( Dos Equis ) can speak German in French. There is a chance that the boss can understand Russian in Spanish.

I happen to speak both fluently (family is Russian and 4 years of Spanish) and they sound absolutely nothing alike and the languages have very few things in common

Assumptions: They often make the person who assumed something look like a complete idiot. In this case, your boss.

"Assuming makes an ass out of you and me." - my Grandma (or at least that's who I heard it from, I realize she probably didn't coin the phrase)

68 - Hehe, that's what my friend's mom always says.

68- I've heard that and an offshoot of it, "Assumption is the mother of all ****-ups." Under Siege 2: Dark Territory. I'm not proud to admit I've watched that movie all the way through. Segal still did pretty well, though.

wow it must really suck to work for someone that ignorant

Не хорошо. I don't know how you can't tell the difference between Russian and Spanish.

cheeryoe 5

You said not good. :D haha I'm smart.

16 - And once again google translate assists monolingual folk seem like they know what they're talking about.

Actually, I speak fluent Russian. I've spent four years learning it. It's nessesary for my career choice. I also speak Chinese and basic Spanish, so I assure you I'm far from monolingual.

That was directed at 16... I apologize. Nevermind.

Sehra98 5

I believe he was talking to 16 who tried to translate what you said. Edit: Nevermind! Haha.

Говоро по русски. Two years of Russian class, barely any bilingual abilities. Maybe I should learn my first language better.

Isn't management great? Tell him he's retarded in english and he'll likely mistake it for saying he's awesome in swahili.

olpally 32

What a moron... Faith in humanity -300... Spanish and Russian are two totally different languages.

I did once encounter someone online who claimed that Spanish and 'Cryllic' were the same language. I hope the boss in the OP is not the same guy, because that guy was a conspiracy nut who hated everyone and thought 'the banks' backed the Soviet Union. Probably not. It's worrying when I find myself hoping that two people are stupid enough to think Spanish and Russian are the same language though. :(