By PharmSlave - 01/05/2015 06:12 - United States - Marysville

Today, my boss told me I ask too many questions and that's why they cut my hours in half. Officially, I'm a "Pharmacy Technician in Training", which means I'm trying to teach myself how to do the job without killing someone. All from on the job experience and an outdated textbook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 049
You deserved it 2 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Redoxx_fml 22

I wanna know what pharmacy thus is so I don't accidentally end up dying


Eyalsh 32

well i guess you were.. *puts on sunglases* .. asking for it. .. YEAAAAHHHHHH ... I'll see myself out.

Sounds like a lousy teacher/mentor. Good luck.

avacada57 9

You're an idiot. I work as a pharmacy tech and there are countless regulations you have to follow in order to not hand out the wrong drugs. Before you even realize that you might "kill someone" the system will warn you that you have the wrong drug. Working in a pharmacy is actually quite simple work. Quit exaggerating.. Besides, even if you were going to "kill someone" a pharmacist has to check your work to make sure you didn't **** up.

JCal585 8

depends whether or not your questions are useful, if youre asking a lot of dunb questions that are tedious, i can see why the boss would be annoyed

Retail? I've been a tech for 3 years and I've worked in practically every setting there is. It gets better! The truth is the outdated book isn't really relevant, the important stuff you pick up along the way and above all if you have a single doubt/question you voice it. Especially if it's drug related!

phoenix3423 14

sounds like you work at walmart. I went through the same shit. you will get through it. Chin up.

MrZsDad 19

Man do i have a script for you to fill !

I work in a pharmacy, and from what I gathered, it's best to ask questions. It's better to ask too many and make sure you're doing things right rather than endanger someone's health. Pharmacy techs have a lot of skills to learn when first starting out and it's doubly hard to learn on the job and through an outdated textbook rather than through classes! FYL, as your superiors at the pharmacy should understand the importance of you asking questions and learning. It's especially important to be careful about what you do in the medical field! I'm sorry OP!

well you're ******* stupid to think that you, as a tech, could kill anyone. I'm a tech....its the pharmacists job to make sure that what you've done is right. but being a tech is NOT difficult by any means. just count the pills and know what stickers to put on the bottle. how hard can that be to screw up?!