By MrsKSB - 11/11/2010 17:46 - United States

Today, my boss was watching taser pranks online, when he said he was going to "get me". We often take turns playing pranks on each other, and I was the last to prank him. Now I'm terrified to move or turn my back on anything other than a wall at work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 342
You deserved it 8 518

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JumpinJacks_fml 0

Oh man, that must be pretty shocking!

Whenever he comes up to you, just yell, "Don't tase me, bro!"


he's already pranked you. in fact, he still is.

zebrapattern 6

so when he tases you, use that as an opportunity to prank him back. pretend something bad happened to you, like that now you're paralyzed, really injured, or even dead, depending on how intense your pranks are.

I bet he's talking about the "taseing" where you jab your pointer and middle finger into someones side. The fun part is that, when most people are "tased", they make funny ******-like noises. Yeah, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have actual tasers.

Brannie 4

that's a pretty cool boss you got there. mine just farts and blames it on me

Maybe the pranks were never as extreme? :P And op, at least your boss is cool and doesn't have a stick up his ass.

if he actually does that to you call the police or sue for harassment or something you'll be fine that would be too big of a lawsuit for him I'd think

buy some brood clausules you keep in your mouth at all time. when he tases you (it's not that bad) bite down

funzcpl 0

#23 I was talking about the prank being the paranoia,not the taser. I KNOW tasers have killed people. it's happened in my city twice and I don't think hurting people as a prank is ever funny.

Cover your entire body under your clothes with rubber, then just pretend to be shocked when he does it.