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Very frustrating

By Anonymous - 18/01/2020 05:00

Today my Assistant Manager decided to pull a prank on me by walking up behind me and screaming my name. I screamed in terror and then swung around and punched him, full force, dead center in the chest, right in front of my supervisor, manager, and several other employees. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 428
You deserved it 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, that prank backfired. Next time they want to screw with you, they'll need to put laxative in your coffee or key your car.


Well, that prank backfired. Next time they want to screw with you, they'll need to put laxative in your coffee or key your car.

Good for you! He deserved it and it’s not like you did out of nowhere...if you would have been anywhere else you would have probably just saved your life

Well then...walk around with a hot coffee next time...he will learn his lesson followed by a few “accidental” burn marks

Wadlaen 23

As one of the above, I too would like to see a 'He deserved it'-button!

He got what he deserved he’s a supervisor he should be setting an good example and not playing pranks on fellow employees.

He literally walked into that one. Absolutely not your fault, OP. Everyone responds differently to being scared and he should’ve taken that into consideration