By arknvl - 07/03/2013 18:12 - Norway - Trondheim

Today, my boss yelled at me for visiting Facebook on my work computer. He says that since I can't be trusted, I'll be supervised from now on. I was uploading pictures to the company's Facebook page, which I have to do once a week as part of my job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 194
You deserved it 2 710

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tjv3 10

I bet your boss and mine are related

Yeah! How dare you do your job, OP! Shame on you!


Typical for people inside the company, to not have a clue whats going on and now you're on double secret probation

fksfsdhfsdfh 26

Your boss is so sensative!

I voted FYL but I can't help wondering why you appear to not have said anything...after all, if you cleared up the confusion then you wouldn't be posting here, right? Did you not try to explain? I wouldn't have been rude but there's no way I would let someone walk away thinking I'd been goofing off at work if I hadn't.

i actually have no sympathy for you. its what you get for not correcting him and standing up for yourself when he accused you.

Bosses... Mine yells at me when I hold a pencil oddly or have a small pile of papers on my desk.

Haha thats dumb of him lol you should just tell him what you were doing or just go on from your phone if you decide to be a coward about it

I would just wait until that next week and when your boss says why didn't you upload those pictures? I'd say (with a smart ass tone) remember I can't get on Facebook any more I have to be supervised?

Your boss is a moron.. I'm sorry you work there.

That should be easy to clear up? Just give him a list of your recurring tasks, which he as your supervisor should be aware of in the first place.