By Anonymous - 16/11/2014 01:22 - United States - Mexico

Today, my boyfriend and I compared our No Shave November body hair. This is how I found out that my legs are hairier than his. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 269
You deserved it 7 967

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Steve95401 49

You are who you are and the razor will get a good workout on December 1st.


Don't worry about it OP. Like many have said, it's just genetics. I think you have a pretty cool guy if he's cool with you not shaving! It seems like a lot of guys get grossed out, so it's super cool he's using this month as a bonding experience.

Slow_Walker 7

why on earth you even engaged in such a competition.... in any case, he sees your hairy legs, and even if he won, he would never forget your hairy legs.. what have you been thinking about...

Who cares if he sees her hairy legs? It's natural. Most mature men don't care about a bit of leg hair. If that's something that truly bothers you, you need to sort your priorities out.

Don't worry about it. It's just hair and we were born with it so it's completely natural!

That's... Interesting. I have little pricklies.. I don't understand how your legs are hairier than a guys. Good luck, OP..

Parvati48 15

Um gross, you should shave and **** that disgusting no shave November idea, girls should never be that hairy. :/

Depends though, if you both did the hair on your legs.. boys mostly don't shave there, girl do that anytime, wich makes the girls hair grow faster.. you get what i mean x ( its late..

Shar9 9

If we didn't have to shave our legs like guys don't, the hair wouldn't have gotten this thick and strong..

Well maybe there is something wrong with him?..

Hey at least December 1st is coming up and "no-shave" event only lasts one month out of the entire year, so don't let it get to you

Does NOBODY know that it is normal for women to have hairy legs?