By tarynfaye - 21/12/2011 11:28 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I gave each other early Christmas gifts. I gave him a basketball signed by his favorite player, which took me forever to find. He got me diet pills. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 026
You deserved it 4 852

Same thing different taste

Top comments

meganfoxsbitch 0

Tell him if he doesn't like you the way you are then you don't feel the need to give him any "love"..


rthieka 0

Be a bigger dick and get him a coupon to dick enlargement

TraceCase_ 19

Well, he's got a lot of making up to do after that epically bad gift choice. You should still be enjoying Christmas in July, OP!

maybe it was a gag gift? or am I the only person that bought their significant other more than one gift, and some meant as jokes?

Hey, diet pills can be expensive, the good ones are like 50-80 bucks a bottle. Personally, I'd be stoked to get that as a gift.

So, you'd be stoked to be told your fat for Christmas? Really? I don't care how much they cost, her boyfriend's gift to her was, "Hey, you're fat. Get skinnier."

It's not necessarily telling you that your fat. I'm a size 4 and I take diet pills all the time to get that "cut" look. If my husband bought them for me, I'd think it was really nice since I like the way my body looks when I take then. To me, it's the same as if he bought me a nice skin care product.

but in this situation, she wasn't taking them beforehand.

linkinpark98 23

What a jerk. Grab the ball back, run, and then dump his ass on the curb. :D Then go meet someone who loves you just the way you are.

Pantriar 2

How is the op's boyfriend an inconsiderate jerk? I wouldn't want a fat girlfriend. What would make him sound more like a jerk, him coming right out and saying she is fat and needs to diet, or just giving her diet pills? Exactly. OP deserves it for being fat.

I agree with you 53, but you left out that #40 is a bigger dick than OP's ex-boyfriend

bizarre_ftw 21

Next to no one likes you and you've been punched before haven't you? Well what's better? That, or being burned alive? Exactly. You deserve it anyway for being a ******* gargantuan asswipe!! But actually

2anonymous2 2

you should take the basketball back-_-

blackjewels 2
bocshi83 1

hmmm take his kind gesture to heart then give yourself One...happily single by The New Year!