By tarynfaye - 21/12/2011 11:28 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I gave each other early Christmas gifts. I gave him a basketball signed by his favorite player, which took me forever to find. He got me diet pills. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 026
You deserved it 4 852

Same thing different taste

Top comments

meganfoxsbitch 0

Tell him if he doesn't like you the way you are then you don't feel the need to give him any "love"..


Maravilla4 1

Hahahaha, a least yours will be more useful

Oh my gosh... I'll help you kill him:D haha jk!

Does he know that weight loss means your boobs will get smaller?

Omg! I only just realized how creeper that sounds, I didn't mean it like that!

nicholasj96 9

Take it back and sell it on eBay .

thefirstwhiteboy 17

I would've taken it back and sold it on the Internet