By tarynfaye - 21/12/2011 11:28 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Sad_Happy_Gorl - 14/12/2018 09:30 - United States - University Center
By fmlgirl - 25/04/2009 18:41 - United States
By lovinglife - 24/12/2011 12:51 - United Kingdom
By HeSucks - 25/12/2009 07:04 - United States
By Anonymous - 30/11/2010 06:06 - United States
By Anonymous - 21/05/2010 00:54 - United States
By anonymous - 21/12/2009 19:23 - United States
By soapysoap - 10/12/2009 08:04 - United States
By crazygirl - 15/12/2010 02:18 - Canada
By now what - 24/12/2014 05:56 - United States - San Leandro
Top comments
Are you serious?? Duuuude that's terrible. FYL. I would've broken up with him right then and there.
I would slip them into all of his food and drinks over time.
That doesn't even make sense
At least he didn't attach a card to the pills saying: take a hint but don't eat it.
Ho ho ho!
Step 1: Take back your gift. Step 2: Dump that moron. Step 3: Sell autographed basketball on eBay. Step 4: Profit.
#54 - Step 5, dump him.
so.... Where did you bury his body?
Once again a man shows what assholes we men can be. Sorry about your problem. First - pop the basketball, second - pop him in the balls, third - break bottle of diet pills over his head, fourth - find guy with huge ****, get your world rocked, fifth - get into a better relationship and finally sixth - sit back and enjoy a better life.
Don't pop the ball. Take it back and sell it to get your money back. Or, take it back, keep it for a while to have the monetary value to go up, then sell it. No need to lose all the money.
That's a deal-breaker.
FYL I hope you kicked him in the crotch...
Tell him if he doesn't like you the way you are then you don't feel the need to give him any "love"..