By tarynfaye - 21/12/2011 11:28 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I gave each other early Christmas gifts. I gave him a basketball signed by his favorite player, which took me forever to find. He got me diet pills. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 026
You deserved it 4 852

Same thing different taste

Top comments

meganfoxsbitch 0

Tell him if he doesn't like you the way you are then you don't feel the need to give him any "love"..


Are you serious?? Duuuude that's terrible. FYL. I would've broken up with him right then and there.

I would slip them into all of his food and drinks over time.

buckeyebaby3 4

What a fucktard he is.. If he's still your boyfriend, so are you!!'

At least he didn't attach a card to the pills saying: take a hint but don't eat it.

Step 1: Take back your gift. Step 2: Dump that moron. Step 3: Sell autographed basketball on eBay. Step 4: Profit.

tracyanai15 0

That deserved a swift kick in the balls, a basketball to the nose, and a breakup. What a dick

bizarre_ftw 21

Ha! XD Like she actually gave him the compliment of a grave! She tossed him in the river! Let the fish have at him!

Once again a man shows what assholes we men can be. Sorry about your problem. First - pop the basketball, second - pop him in the balls, third - break bottle of diet pills over his head, fourth - find guy with huge ****, get your world rocked, fifth - get into a better relationship and finally sixth - sit back and enjoy a better life.

Don't pop the ball. Take it back and sell it to get your money back. Or, take it back, keep it for a while to have the monetary value to go up, then sell it. No need to lose all the money.