By SeaSick - 15/02/2010 05:03 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I went on a 1 day cruise to the Bahamas. It happened to be on the same day of the worst sailing conditions. We spent 6 hours throwing up together. Him into the sink, and me into the toilet. We spent $200 to see the inside of our cabin's bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 789
You deserved it 3 598

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fake. One day in the Bahamas there's no way that would happen.

In FL you can go to the bahamas for a day, sucks that you guys didnt get to enjoy the trip!


Well, at least he can't brag about all the things he got to see without you.

Buy Dramamine and check the weather. ahole. and who does a one day cruise. YDI

hey... look at the bright side... at least you were together.

morganrules123 10

at least he was polite and took the sink.

love4hardrock 0

at you did it together Now that's bonding time!!

200 dollars for a boat ride, that sounds like a great deal!!!!

you wasted two hundred dollars on a giant one day cruise? WTF were you thinking? every cruise has one 'bad' day. you suck at planning obviously. maybe you shouldn't be so cheap next time and go on a 7 day cruise. it's not outragously expensive either.

delaney16 0

a one day cruise? how cheap are you? it's your own fault that you didn't bring pepto bismol or something.