By slypher25aussie - 09/11/2012 07:26 - United States - Chula Vista

Today, my boyfriend and I went to a furniture store. We split up for a bit, and after a while I went to find him. A salesman noticed I seemed to be looking around for him and said, "Oh, your son is upstairs." We're the same age. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 637
You deserved it 2 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

raycj 1

Or maybe he was bouncing on the couches like Tom Cruise and that made him seem like a kid.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Maybe he just looks exceptionally young? :p


crazytwinsmom 25

That's not as bad as someone thinking my kids were my grand kids.

doglover100 28

I've been mistaken for a 14 year old boy in the past. It's quite common.

jaredofmo 22

Is it weird that as soon as I read this, my gaydar went off? Well, hopefully HE feels complimented.

Are you sure he knew who you were looking for?

See, then what you do is start making out with your boyfriend in front of that guy. His face: priceless.

Maybe you were nagging so much that you seemed like his mom? HOW COULD YOU?!?!

NagainaFier 16

Except for the SMALL detail that OP is (shoot me for makin' assumptions here) in direct possession of a penis. Other than that, yes, I totally see how OP could be confused with a nagging mom.

glamorous18 10
SkateboardGirl88 11

I bet he was jumping on the couches or beds or something

NagainaFier 16

Tsk tsk; too much tanning. It ages ya, I swear...