By TheyHaveMyAddress - 06/03/2014 05:52 - United States - Jackson

Today, my boyfriend and I went to a restaurant so I could apply for a job, and we decided to eat there. After we finished, I went to start the car. When we got home, I asked him how much the bill came to. Apparently he didn't pay. I had already given them my completed application. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 663
You deserved it 7 342

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Genuine mistake because he thought you'd paid or arsehole? Go back, pay and offer a sincere apology either way.

This actually guarantees you getting the job, as you will now have to work off the debt.


Whoever was bitching about them having to start the car and how it is "modern day and they don't have to start the carriage" or whatever - she lives in Michigan...That is all. I'm guessing it was freezing, and if you don't want to damage your car - you have to warm it up. K THANK YOU :)

Unless your car is *extraordinarily* old, driving it cold won't damage it, even if it's well below 0 F (Minnesotan here). However, if you yourself want to be remotely warm during the drive, starting the car early is still nice.

If you went back and paid, it would show them that you're honest

akballerchicity 11

Hope you went back and paid.

Dump. Him! What a jerk. U could go to jail for skipping out on a check because of stupid ass

Honestly I hire people at my restaurant and you already didn't get the job. 1. you brought a friend/boyfriend. The second I see that I think this person can't even apply alone how will they work alone? hung around after turning in the application most employers hate that. The chew and screw was just icing on the cake.

They didn't just go to apply; they went there to eat, too. I'm pretty sure the restaurant would appreciate the business no matter where it came from.

Merylwen 24

Just go back and pay, it happens all the time in restaurants and it is often honest mistakes.