By TheyHaveMyAddress - 06/03/2014 05:52 - United States - Jackson

Today, my boyfriend and I went to a restaurant so I could apply for a job, and we decided to eat there. After we finished, I went to start the car. When we got home, I asked him how much the bill came to. Apparently he didn't pay. I had already given them my completed application. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 663
You deserved it 7 342

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Genuine mistake because he thought you'd paid or arsehole? Go back, pay and offer a sincere apology either way.

This actually guarantees you getting the job, as you will now have to work off the debt.


Epikouros 31

I'm amazed that no one has told you to dump your boyfriend yet!

Who takes thier boyfriend with them when they apply for jobs? Why would you eat there? Also, No big deal, just call back, appologize and pay the bill asap. This FML leaves the impression that under other circumstanmce you would have left it unpaid. YDI.

Why wouldn't they eat there? If you're applying for a job at a restaurant and you also need to eat, it seems silly not to do both in the same place.

Just go back in and tell them you both thought the other one paid. I'm sure it wouldn't be the first time, and they would admire you for coming back to pay it.

Go back and apologize. Pay, tip your waiter. The longer you wait the worse it is.

Why didn't you pay if you so keen for this job

SkyGuy32 17

OP should just pay, plus extra for the inconvenience, and apologize for the mistake while being very professional. It would be best to contact them first so they don't get the impression that you only paid after being caught.

You must finish the story. Did anything more happen?

You know, there is the chance OP's boyfriend was just pretending like he didn't pay to get a reaction out of her. Some people have that kind of humor.

valentinov 15

Why did you left him behind so you can "start the car"? Do you drive carriage and had to prepare the horses for the long journey home? When I go out with my girlfriend we leave the establishment together. It's 2014: you push the key behind the steering wheel and vóala! The car is ready to go. Maybe you can still apply for a security job. After all, you've discovered a major security flaw in their restaurant: people can eat for free :))

I'm guessing you've never been to Michigan. It's below freezing there, and you need to warm the car up before you take it somewhere or it'll be a very uncomfortable drive.