By ph2222 - 05/10/2015 17:10 - United States - Toledo

Today, my boyfriend and I were at his parents' house when things started getting hot. Out of respect, we stopped and just cuddled, making us able to hear his parents banging. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 236
You deserved it 3 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have competed to see who was louder xD fyl

Should've seen who could've lasted longer


imagine if you hadn't stopped and you and his mum both conceived at the same time. awkward!

Just go for it...give them a taste of their own medicine

I don't think it's that bad, not something you want to hear from your parents. It's better than them not loving each other any more. On the other hand it's not so fun to hear anyone else doing the dirty (I got enough of that at uni accommodation).

born_hustla 26

Huh? Not much going on in your side I'm guessing.

Who r the winners of this competition ?

Break out the black plastic and the baby oil it's party time!

Badkarma4u 17

I wonder if looking at the hot young thing his son brought home is what put him in the mood. Which makes me wonder who he was thinking about when he was banging his wife. Now really FYL

tiger820 20

should've waited until they were done then showed them how it really goes down!