By iris - 18/05/2012 23:01 - Portugal - Lisbon

By iris - 18/05/2012 23:01 - Portugal - Lisbon
By MrAwsum - 17/03/2009 20:40 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/02/2013 05:08 - United Kingdom - Frome
By mal - 08/05/2012 20:46 - United Kingdom - Chelmsford
By twintowers - 04/07/2009 20:30 - United States
By ph2222 - 05/10/2015 17:10 - United States - Toledo
By oopsies - 08/01/2010 01:07 - United States
By soontobedumped - 15/01/2012 19:26 - United States
By Chels - 11/05/2011 05:17 - Canada
By ohdeargodthatswrong - 09/01/2010 13:25 - United Kingdom
By unbelievable208 - 05/08/2009 05:28 - United States
Doesn't matter, had sex.
Reguardless of if the parents are home or not, in my opinion, it's really disrespectful to have sex in your parents house. It's pretty rude to have sex in anyone else's house, it may be old fashioned but to me, a couple's home seems special or sacred and someone else having sex in that house sort of defiles that sacredness/specialness.
You said it yourself, she lives with her parents. So it's pretty clearly NOT her own home.
i agree with #1. But at the same time, if her father knows and doesn't have a problem with it then who's to stop her. Let them be. My question is who are these kids with liberal parents that know that their daughter is having premarital sex AND they're okay with it? I consider my parents to be liberal in the sense that they know I have a boyfriend and they probably also know that I'm not a virgin but I can't imagine inviting my boyfriend over and taking him up to my room... if anything it's be restricted to dinner/talk and then a friendly bye-bye. Not only would I never have sex in my parents house, it would also be extremely awkward and disrespectful on my part.
God, is it so hard to understand that two people who love eachother wants to have sex? And that those two people might not have the luxury of an house of their own? And that it's way better (more romantic, more hygienic, more private) to have sex in your parents(-in-law) house than in public?
If someone lives with their parents there is nothing wrong with having sex in their house.
Yeah, I don't really get the sex-hating crowd on here. Why wouldn't your parents want you to have sex in a controlled enviroment? Seems better than the sketchy situations you can get into with (semi)-public sex. Don't assume everyone's parents follows the same "not in my backyard"-philosophy. Some care more about maturity than age!
Ah, NightAnimal, so now you're implying that I nor my boyfriend respect our parents. Little harsh, isn't it? Especially since they allow us to spend the day (and sometimes even the night) in his room with the door closed - if they truely disliked the idea of us having sex in their house, they would forbid that, don't you think? Now, when you're having sex so loud and so obvious that the whole house can hear it, then you're being disrespectful. Otherwise...nah, not in my world.
The problem is that she was about to have sex in her parents' house. But to make it even worse, she did so when her dad was home.
No, 15 said it right! He said it "doesn't matter" because "had sex"
Look, OP was obviously stupid enough (and rude enough) to be loud and obnoxious, flaunting the fact that she's having sex in her parents house. I'm not saying don't do it, just don't be a douche and be obvious about it.
82 did you ever consider that the parents are to embarresed to speak up? I know if i had to say something it'd be hard for me.
still counts.
He did the fatherly thing and broke the mood.
Kids these days seem to not care when or where they get their freak on. Im not a big fan of having sex when my parents are home
Exactly. He probably didn't even hear anything. He was, likely, just trying to make things awkward for OP and he succeeded. Parents do that stuff to prevent "things" from happening. Well, good parents anyway.
I'm just curious... WAS she faking?
Easy, A! No need for the frisky!
I want to know what kind of parents would let their daughter take her boyfriend up to her room and close the door right after they just met him for the first time.
Not a chance would my parents ever let that happen
and it's just plain awkward
Depending on how old she is, I might. Under 16: not a chance. 16-21: for no more than 5 minutes without checking on them; "I'm sorry honey, but this is obviously not Tommy that was over last week, and I haven't a chance to run the full background check yet, so I have to make sure he's not in here cutting you to pieces or something. Just looking out for you sweetie." 21+: they are visiting for the weekend, I might let it go 20 minutes.
Apparently OP's mom
Bah, I mean dad >.>
Thank you! just making sure the world's not changing overnight on me. My parents are pretty liberal but they would flip out if I brought my BF home for the first time and took him to my room and closed the doors. Even though I'm 21, not a chance in the world! if anything my parents might give us 5 minutes outside the door for a kiss... IF they're impressed by my BF.
My parents think I'm a sensible person (whether or not that's true) and trust me in my decisions. Same goes for my bf's parents. First time I was at his place, I slept over (it's quite far away). I slept in his room, door closed. We just put a mattress down on the floor for me to sleep on and he had his own bed.
First time I met the parents of my husband I slept over, in his room, we didn't have sex, but we did do other things.. I slept over there on a monthly basis, his mom said she'd rather have us stay there than off sneaking around getting in trouble.
I think this really depends on where you're from. Here in Sweden it would be considered strange if the parents wouldn't let you be together alone in a room.
My boyfriend's parent's have an open door rule, which until recently we had to follow. They now trust us enough to not have sex in their house and let us keep the door closed, which is nice for my allergies since they have two dogs and a cat that I'm allergic too and who love to come visit me at night. I'm 28 and he's 21 but he lives in their house so it's their rules. If we want to have sex we just go to my place. We like it out where he lives better though so we spend more of our time together out there.
They should get out and get their own place
Well that's awkward.
You JUST introduced him to your parents for the first time, then decide to get it on with them in the house?? What are you, like 12??! Seriously the ****?
First of OP is a dumbass for banging her boyfriend in her parents house, the first time they met him, while they were home. Also, this is disturbing, what kind of person could actually sit there and listen to his daughter have sex, and then tell her to stop faking. I know he was trying to be funny but I think it's kind of ****** up. Am I the only one?
6- how many 12 year olds do u know that act like that?
The guys got a point there…
That's not an oxymoron at all.
Your parents have the right to do whatever they want. They make the money, pay the bills and support you. Whatever rules they've laid down are the ones you have to live by until such a time as you can pay your own way. Welcome to life. P.S. Having to work and pay your own bills sucks way more than following a few rules you may think are unfair. Enjoy it while you can.
That is until you realize there are regulations in place set by government and other authority. Even when you get out from under your parents roof, there are still more rules. Welcome to life.
58 - nope, not an oxymoron at all. Just a moron.
54 needs to back to grade 9 English............... Or, maybe even grade 4 English. Hmm.
8 - Even though I disagree with your statement, I thought you would like to know that it is called a double standard, not an oxymoron.
Is it just me who thinks its super wrong that dad was listening and would comment like he'd know of she was faking wtf , and who does that with thier parents in hearing distance
Im thinking that maybe the walls are paper thin. Im thinking he heard them and decided it was something he would rather not hear. Im thinking that he could have rushed in there and beat the boyfriend up and possibly saw his daughter naked in the process, instead he found a more creative way to make it stop.
She was obviously being way too loud.
Lol ydi for being a terrible liar in the first place... Sorry for your parents
Why would u do that with ur dad in the house? Ydi
I want to know what kind of parents would let their daughter take her boyfriend up to her room and close the door right after they just met him for the first time.