By ph2222 - 05/10/2015 17:10 - United States - Toledo

Today, my boyfriend and I were at his parents' house when things started getting hot. Out of respect, we stopped and just cuddled, making us able to hear his parents banging. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 236
You deserved it 3 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have competed to see who was louder xD fyl

Should've seen who could've lasted longer


Le_ponderer 14

On one hand; Aaaaaargggh! On the other hand, becoming parents did not automatically make them a-sexual beings... our parents getting their sexy on is how we all got here. Live and let live.

Yes i'm sure all of us are aware that our parents still have sex, but honestly if you knew the truth would you enjoy listening to your parents ****? I wouldn't be able to look at my parents for a couple days

I will never understand our society's adverse obsession with parental sex. It's a retarded social norm.

Parental sex? Our society seems to have an adverse obsession with sex in general. It can't even be talked about without being considered a taboo subject. Except on the Internet, of course.

I found this to be true, and I still don't know why it even works that way. One of the most exciting sex sessions in my life occurred in a house with sleeping Korean parents, who are very strict by nature. It took everything to stifle the clapping sounds and moans, haha.

Yep, definitely too much information, especially for a site called "**** My Life" that is riddled with colorfully worded anecdotes about things ranging from fecal matter to vomit to used condoms. Sorry for not being politically correct. It was a true story.

I would never expect the parents to abstain from sex just because I was visiting.

Well, it's time for you to play a very dangerous game. Depending on your parents and how long they engage in coitus, it can end very positively or disastrously. Toe the line. Be the woman the world needs. In other words, go bang.

kayla2228 14

You started the fire and they are enjoying the heat

Psycho_Babydoll 26

So the parents were okay with you being in bed together, but didn't want to hear you "in bed together"? It's just common courtesy to ignore that stuff between couples.

To be honest, I wouldn't give a shit who else is doing what at that moment.