By wtf - 15/07/2009 05:04 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were chatting on MSN. He had to go run down to the corner market but left his webcam on. Shortly after he left I watched his mother steal 60 dollars out of his wallet. He doesn't believe me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 795
You deserved it 3 423

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so he went to the market without his wallet?

sonnyv 0

hes an idiot if he didnt believe you, fHL


alexgisforme3 0

id yell at the bitch. and werent you on ur webcam too, being able to motion to her?

He would be even dumber if he thought you stole it.

Wouldn't he need his wallet to buy something from the market? Gay.

Umm. I don't think I believe this one. 1. Why would he go to the store without his wallet? 2. How would you know it was $60? Unless the webcam was right in front of it, and she counted the money right there. 3. Where did he think it went, if he doesn't believe you? Does he think you took it? 4. Couldn't he go back and look at the webcam footage himself? Yeah. Not believing this.

ilive4fml 0

how is this an fml 4 u, mayb ur boyfriend or ur mom but not u!

You can't look back at webcam footage ;]

broken_princess 0

Haha. You should have taken a screenshot of her doing it. But if he doesn't believe you, he's the one whos out $60.

broken_princess 0

HAHAHAHAHA #117 your post just made my morning!!! Funniest comment I've ever seen on FML!

When he realizes he's $60 short for something, he'll realize. Dump him though. He's a loser!

Maybe instead of telling him 'your mom stole 60 from ur wallet' u should have said 'wow its sure a weird relationship you have with your mom, even if I loaned mine 60 I wouldn't have let her take it from my purse'.....but there isn't anything you can do about that now. the only reasons I could see for him not believing you is she is an addict and he is in denial, or you lie to him, or he does believe you but doesn't want you knowing that he owed the money to her or something....who knows really disfunctional family more than likely.