By Anonymous - 23/01/2010 16:09 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend and I were having sex, and after 10 seconds he gave up and said "This is more tiring than I expected". FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 367
You deserved it 3 462

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ROFLsyrup 0

that's not really an FML for you, more for him... He can't handle sex. HAHAHA

smith2001 5


I can't believe you people.....obviously he only lasted ten seconds he finished after five and the last five were courtesy seconds

any1 considered that maybe the op was a fatty????? and how much effort it takes 2 plunge it in there each time???

betsy5 0

wow, i'm sorry. but i guess it's better than nothing. :D

beer01 0

Maybe you just didn't feel good. He probably meant boring. Cuz even if it was tiring but it felt good, he'd keep going.