By Anonymous - 05/12/2013 19:10 - United Kingdom - Washington

Today, my boyfriend and I were having sex, when I got a sudden agonising cramp in my foot. I cried out in pain, but he didn't stop. If anything, my cries of pain seemed to spur him on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 711
You deserved it 8 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet he didn't think those were crys of pain

He maybe couldn't tell the difference between cries of pain and pleasure? Guys like a bit of noise...


Axel5238 29

Though considering the amount of stuff that happens on FML where the girlfriend says they were in pain, got interrupted or whatever during sex and the boyfriend continued anyway I'm gonna guess he probably didn't care not that he misunderstood.

you should've at least pushed him off you to fix your problem!

I always seem to get cramps in my foot and my leg just as I'm about to finish, so annoying

shit happens, that's why ya gotta make sure to get your daily intake of potassium :)

Did you actually say "ouch"? Or say "Stop, I have a cramp in my foot?" Because moaning in pain doesn't really communicate anything in this situation. If you did actually use verbage and he ignored you, that definitely sucks.

Depends on the guy my bf usually is quick to tell when im in pain or sometimes misunderstands thinking im in pain he stops right away and asks if im hurt its possible the bf mistaken it fora cry of pleasure hopefully but sometimes its not possible to speak coherently when having sex especially if it really good

Wisdom from someone who has been there, wear socks or knee highs for some reason it stops the cramping, plus school girl socks (and a skirt) are always a win!

Remembered 14

On behalf of the male population, I give you a standing ovation. Someone award this woman with a medal.

maybe he thought he was causing you to cry in pleasure.

GayPride_52412 11

I guess he likes Screamers xD