By gross - 20/10/2010 16:14 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend and I were lying in bed with a pedestal fan on facing us when my boyfriend sneezed. Where did he sneeze? Into the fan, which then sprayed it all over my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 289
You deserved it 3 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ha! I know the feeling. Mr. Doe figured out exactly where to stand in front of the A/C to make a fart spread throughout our whole apartment. He thought it was hilarious till I turned the tables on him after a taco fiesta. Yeah, it's probably a good thing that summer's over. An escalation couldn't end well. :]


You should pee in front of the fan while he is sitting in front of it...


Ha! I know the feeling. Mr. Doe figured out exactly where to stand in front of the A/C to make a fart spread throughout our whole apartment. He thought it was hilarious till I turned the tables on him after a taco fiesta. Yeah, it's probably a good thing that summer's over. An escalation couldn't end well. :]

RedPillSucks 31

While you're giving him a handjob, stick his dick in the fan.

That's like cutting off your nose to spite your face, except it's not a nose, and, judging by the post, it's never been near her face.

ArtIsResistance7 1

I lol'd so hard at those last two comments. 14 & 16: Always a pleasure. All I have is...the shit hit the fan... >.<

You need to do that with diet coke and mentos...

perdix 29

And I'll bet it sounded like the loudest bird in the world! You Aussies need to learn to build decent pedestal fans that don't make a racket and blow aerosolized snot.

Peytonlikesme 0
unique_mamii 0

Omg that's terrible, how can you live after having something so horrifying happen to you?

dug44 0

hahahahahahaha, i would have pai to see that!!!!

skittlesxmonster 5

My friend's boyfriend spit into the wind and it hit me in the mouth *shudder* ... then a week later... he did the same thing and it sprayed me in the face...

Haha ew so gross. Just go wash your face lol