By gross - 20/10/2010 16:14 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend and I were lying in bed with a pedestal fan on facing us when my boyfriend sneezed. Where did he sneeze? Into the fan, which then sprayed it all over my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 289
You deserved it 3 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ha! I know the feeling. Mr. Doe figured out exactly where to stand in front of the A/C to make a fart spread throughout our whole apartment. He thought it was hilarious till I turned the tables on him after a taco fiesta. Yeah, it's probably a good thing that summer's over. An escalation couldn't end well. :]


You should pee in front of the fan while he is sitting in front of it...


emilyk123 0

ooo big deal! your not gunna die! wash your face and get over it

h2opoloplaya 0

I'm sure that's not all of his that got on your face

D: I hate when people sneeze. I have this really big fear of someone sneezing on me or someone else.

lmbo thats pretty funny i would probably freak then laugh my butt off

HarvestTheSorrow 0

so, you'll take his sperm, but not his snot?