By gross - 20/10/2010 16:14 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend and I were lying in bed with a pedestal fan on facing us when my boyfriend sneezed. Where did he sneeze? Into the fan, which then sprayed it all over my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 289
You deserved it 3 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ha! I know the feeling. Mr. Doe figured out exactly where to stand in front of the A/C to make a fart spread throughout our whole apartment. He thought it was hilarious till I turned the tables on him after a taco fiesta. Yeah, it's probably a good thing that summer's over. An escalation couldn't end well. :]


You should pee in front of the fan while he is sitting in front of it...


7spears 0

atleast he turned away with good intentions. start reading the rest of what boyfriends do to their girlfriends on here and you'll quit whining about your oh so unfortunate event

britneyrox116 0

Worse things could have happened....

oh no you got snot ans saliva on your face, saliva that you share.. and snot? washable. SUCK IT UP LITTLE PRINCESS

you serious? wipe it off wow big deal, and lets face it youve had nastier stuff on your face ;) if you can take his baby gravy im sure a little of his sneeze wont kill you, if hes your bf im sure you kiss and play around either way so stop bein so dramatic.. your life isnt over

Hey, take the sneeze. My husband likes to fart into the fan so it'll come back at me.

So he either sneezes onto you or into the fan which blows onto you. Sounds like a lose-lose for both of you.