By Anonymous - 22/04/2013 20:16 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were planning how to spend the day together. When I suggested we start off with some fun in bed, then get some pizza and play his favorite video game, he sighed, "Can't we just go straight to gaming?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 037
You deserved it 8 454

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surprised he would want to skip the Pizza part.

But you can't play a game until you turn it (or her) on.


Inciter 33

I wish my boyfriend would wanna do that. He would hate sex, pizza, and games.

nnnope 26

so how, then, was your baby conceived...?

babswashere 9

Tell him to stop acting like such a virgin

CharresBarkrey 15

I think a virgin would actually want to have sex. Sounds like he's bored with their sex life.

What happened to where being a virgin is a bad thing? Is this generation that immature?

NagainaFier 16

I think he's referencing to the 'joke' that all (hard core) videogamers are virgins. And buddy, lemme tell ya; those bosses aren't going to beat themselves! And what about all those idiots who need me to escort them from point a to point b?!

Seriously. If a guy turns down sex, she ain't doing things very well.

#128 not really some people can be not in the mood you know. Haha i've had my fair share of turn downs it's normal.

my personal experience (being a guy) is that I've only turned down sex because I've been too sick to maintain a hard on.

Hardcore gaming: the new contraceptive AND diet, all in one.

C-Can it be? The gamer girlfriend truly exists??? Please... Don't let this be a lie....

There are plenty of us out there. I don't think my husband likes it much though. I don't know how many consoles he has got stuck waiting in line for me for. And he already knows to preorder the ps4 or risk divorce. He will have the same threat on the next Xbox as well.

NagainaFier 16
WolfGirlRin 12

I don't know what's worse, the people who think OP's boyfriend must be gay for turning down sex or the people who can't comprehend the idea of a woman playing a video game. You guys must live very sheltered lives, just saying.

19, we are everywhere. Having a ****** and **** doesn't void is of he pleasure of gameplay.

We definitely exist!! Many a Saturday nights were spent in at my boyfriend's place playing Black Ops and zombies. Space zombies were my favorite, though. They look so funny in slow-er motion! Now though, we mostly bang and eat food when we see each other. Er....

Inciter 33

I'm a gamer and my fiance thinks it's weird. He's not the gamer, but I am. We do exist! There are plenty of girls who love to play video games. You just gotta find us.

They are definitely out there, and every bit as awesome as you imagine.

Michael_92 20

Well where do you find these girls at lol? Never seen one before.

NagainaFier 16

The internet, rp forums... If you're lucky, you'll spot one of us on Xbox Live. (Or online equivalent of platform of choice) Well, not me, because I've got my head shoved so far up Skyrim's ass... I can only handle one game at a time, personally.

Michael_92 20

I have more hours tied up into skyrim than I care to admit. The mod community for the PC version is crazy.

GoodLookingGeese 10

OMG, this is a gamers heaven with seventy two (almost) virgins! I salut.

Me too! That's the problem with any of the elder scrolls... I can't find satisfaction in 'trying' them, I want to play each one completely... And my bf keeps rolling his eyes when I throw Oblivion back in the Xbox... Don't get me wrong, many days are black ops 2 days but most nights... I belong to oblivion. I keep trying to get him to play red dead or LC:TR but he's like "no I wanna shoot shit". I'm starting to think he wants to shoot me lol.

NagainaFier 16

147, I have a big enough problem prying myself away from my game on Xbox; if I had access to mods... Well, we wouldn't be talking, that's for damn sure. But yeah ._. I throw myself head first and commit to a game until the end; which is extremely tricky with a game like Skyrim. (It goes without saying my game collection is TINNNYYYY, and mostly Bethesda)

rizzybear 4

Well, the perfect order for me would be pizza, then video games, then sex, so that you can sleep right after. But I'm a virgin so no way in hell I'd turn it down if i got offered a slightly different order.

Reveal yourself Op and accept the numerous marriage proposals from the fml gamers.

Are you suggesting that OP become a polygamist and acquire a man-harem??? O.o OH MY!!!

That's ridiculous. You should at least have the pizza part there if you're hungry. I wouldn't allow that to be skipped if that were me. Declining sex is one thing. But food? He has no choice. Ever.

What is wrong with him? That's the perfect day! But he could just have been lazy and didn't move and/or get up.

I'm so confused....he would turn down sex and pizza for gaming.....?

NagainaFier 16

I don't blame him for doing so, honestly. Though if someone switched the pizza for Chinese food... I would be tempted.

jsprackman 11

If it was Dota 2, it makes sense.