By Anonymous - 22/04/2013 20:16 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were planning how to spend the day together. When I suggested we start off with some fun in bed, then get some pizza and play his favorite video game, he sighed, "Can't we just go straight to gaming?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 037
You deserved it 8 454

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surprised he would want to skip the Pizza part.

But you can't play a game until you turn it (or her) on.


why not have sex while eating pizza and playing games

implastikz 7

you cant have 3 pleasures at the same time.

thehonestone10 5

If there is one thing I have learned, it's that the one who's always asking for sex is the one that never gets it haha. The partner that doesn't ask never wants to do it Idk if this is because the one asking is naturally more 1- desperate and 2- socially clueless (you don't ask you just initiate), or if it's social hardwiring because of 1 and 2 over time (so for example, if a super hot guy were to beg an average girl for sex or to date, she'd say no just bcuz he seemed desperate and it was too easy, when in reality it would've been in her best interest to, and if he had just played it cool she'da been all over him). Life lesson: Don't ask, only initiate. And learn how to tease, play hard to get, and do push/pull with their emotions. If you are too predictable you become boring

That is the best game to play...a mind game. *sarcasm* Or, you know, have a mature relationship and talk about issues.

I love games but wow I would never skip the pizza

Wow, sounds like a perfect day to me! Shame that he would skip right to the gaming.

Sounds like a perfect time to me,he is either gay or idk

duckit 0

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