By Anonymous - 22/04/2013 20:16 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were planning how to spend the day together. When I suggested we start off with some fun in bed, then get some pizza and play his favorite video game, he sighed, "Can't we just go straight to gaming?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 037
You deserved it 8 454

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surprised he would want to skip the Pizza part.

But you can't play a game until you turn it (or her) on.


He turned down sex & food for gaming. Doesn't he realise that sex is the best game ever. It takes lots of practice to become a good lover!

Hey, at least he wants to play with YOU. That's something.

hapy_pig098 13

Believe it or not im a gamer chick myself that hates playing with other people

Your profile picture. No it's okay I didn't want to sleep anyway, psh.

LazyDaisy42 4

#35 ... I will never sleep again after seeing your picture... Thanks for that. Lol

#35 Jeff the killer gets all the bitches.

mrd97 10

After seeing your profile picture, I now need to turn on all the lights.

Maybe you need to work on your version of fun. :/

I don't know about anyone else on here but sex, pizza, and video games sounds like really freaking fun to me. That's almost an idyllic day. Ice cream would make that idyllic.

Go shopping, get some saucy lingerie & hide the games for a day for some more adult fun!

I'd be pissed off with my spouse if my games were hidden from me, tbh.

Tizzles 2

Lingerie is not necessary, it just gets in the way. And you guys have the order all wrong. It goes like this. Sex , pizza, video games, sex, left over pizza.

He turned that down? That's like every guys dream! Only one explanation: he's gay.

Yes, we exist, and no chicks that play video games are not as rare as you think. It really bugs the crap out of me that we are thought of as "the perfect gf" for that simple quality. If you'd marry someone for loving black ops 2, then you're probably too immature to get married.

dixiefoxx 22

Yeah, I love video games, and yet, I'm still single