By hahaohyeahwow - 24/09/2014 04:24 - United States - Dearborn

Today, my boyfriend and I were planning on having sex. He first excused himself to the bathroom, then returned with a sad face saying he had fumbled with himself in the bathroom to get "ready" and accidentally came. He said, "I was thinking of you though." FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 298
You deserved it 5 213

hahaohyeahwow tells us more.

hahaohyeahwow 4

He said he had to poop (lmfao) and did it in there. Also, he cannot do it twice in a night. He literally just passes out. Ha.

Top comments

onealmxwilson 18

Am I the only one wondering how long he was in the bathroom?