By Anonymous - 15/12/2009 04:16 - United States

Today, my boyfriend asked me why girls don't have armpit hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 836
You deserved it 6 039

Same thing different taste

Top comments

reminds me of the time a kid in my heath class though girls peed out there ******


What is with bringing nationality into this? Racism, tsk tsk. And what is with these kids posting FML's for petty issues, this doesn't even figure as a FML. He can't be more than 16 years of age anyhow. Tell him everybody has body hair, and get the hell over it.

You... deserved it? I don't understand what the problem is besides the fact you're dating an idiot.

bwahahahaha you really are funny so from a single word you deduced my nationality? you must be some grizzled professor of languages, I guess you're able to speak a couple of dead languages and knowing all grammer used in every region of the world. Let me (or lemme lol) teach you something: The word Assume - when you assume, you guess, or as they say you make an Ass out of U and Me (in this case its Assu). For your info my mother language is not English or an English derived one, and I can also speak italian and French (as a 2nd language) - now find me an american who can speak more than English. ps I'm doing a Degree in Nursing, and that is something I'll use. (does this make you more of an ass?)

Eresbel 0

@ GodOfBeer - I'm an American student, applying to law school, who speaks French as a second language, and some Russian and Arabic. You know what they say - when you assume...

Veritas143 0

I am also an American and speak Russian and Spanish.. Sad.. GodofWar I thought all your other comments were funny..just to learn you were a close minded prick..

Well you must be the first 2 "real americans" (I'm assuming both your parents/families are Americans and not Russian or French, where learning a second language is natural at home). I live on an island, and we have many tourists, and I never met an american who speaks any other language than english. Obviously American population is in the millions and we only get a trickle of the number of tourists, but also on the net, rarely you find anyone speaking 2 or more languages... *hangs head in shame...* seems like a case of AssMe :|

Well, I'm 14 and I can speak Hebrew and Spanish as well as English, which was my first language...and I know tons of americans who can speak more than one language, though i don't go to one of those bilingual or international schools.

yeah, same here, i speak hebrew and english, a bit of french and japanese, and im not the only one who does, somtimes i even talk to my friends to confuse our teacher :P

heartlessagony 0

I don't understand what's so bad about this, OP.

you are a dumbshit. how the **** does this get through? this site has went to shit lately