By BabeWithBrains - 08/12/2013 19:01 - United States - Cheyenne

Today, my boyfriend bought a onesie. He sleeps in it, goes out in it and won't take it off, not even for sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 667
You deserved it 5 929

BabeWithBrains tells us more.

BabeWithBrains 7

Wow, I didn't think I would get published. Let me clear some things up:) -My boyfriend and my brother-in-law are best friends and bought onesies together. They have been wearing them all night and day. They are a bit crazy, but fun. -My boy works outside in snow, so that's why he wore it to work. -It's also below zero where I live so it's cold at night, hence the bed wearing. -The sex however... Well, there is basically a slit in the back and buttons in the front. He thought it was hilarious, but it won't be happening again. I guess it's just something that he wanted to try and I love him so I did it. Oh, and it doesn't smell.. Yet. ;)

Top comments

I guess now no one can tell you "pics or it didn't happen".

Korra_fml 23

well, as far as the smelling issue... why doesnt he get a couple more, and he can cycle through them so they can get washed.


That sounds exactly like an episode.of family guy I watched yesterday.

I feel your pain boyfriend has gone one step further and "borrowed" my twin brother's onesie and won't take it off for anything...hence very very awkward slightly incestutous feeling sex

And you let him plow you with it on. You can't really complain about that last one, let alone the "goes out in it" because, again, you are enabling him.

fmlstarterkit 13

i understand this man OP. i got my onsie the other day discovered the reason why they're so hard to not wear.