By Anonymous - 16/04/2016 08:32 - United States - San Diego
Top comments
Oh yeah, he's definitely a keeper.
Yeah, no. Contraceptive douches don't work. Sperm can live up to five to nine days in the ****** and theres no way to completely "wash" them out.
Even if that was true what girl would ever let you pour vinegar her most sensitive area.
I would suggest not having sex with him. He seems like the kind of guy to screw you over to prove a point.
If you're worried about pregnancy, just have him pull out and go sans condom. If you're worried about disease/infections...strapping a jimmy on might be the best route (outside of being more selective when gettin some action. During my dating life, I rarely used a condom and never had any pregnancy scares. No baby came until after 5 years of marriage when we tried to make one (first try, by the way...go me!)
I HOPE YOU'RE JOKING....seriously. Statistically, pulling out has the same effectiveness as (you guessed it...) NO CONTRACEPTION AT ALL. Using the 'it worked for me' logic is completely moronic. I'm glad it worked for you. Don't push your methods on other people without some level of background knowledge.
While he is definitely an idiot for thinking condoms are a scam and for not getting his mind into this day and age, the suggested vinegar method was a valid technique for this in the 17th century.
Sounds like you need a new boyfriend...
Your boyfriend is a dumbass
...and you went ahead and had sex anyway?! :-/
Bahaha, that's not how it works out all! He's supposed to pour it down his urethra an hour before sex. I've created a great kit for doing such a thing, and I'd be happy to sell one to him if he /really/ wants to avoid the whole condom/scam thing.
What a dumbass.