By Lisa - 02/01/2010 07:02 - United States

Today, my boyfriend called my cell. I picked up and said "Hi, this is Lisa and I want you to fuck me raw". It was my dad. He was at my boyfriend's parent's house and forgot his phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 836
You deserved it 35 980

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Maybe you should've waited to see who was at the other end

Who the **** would answer any call like that? Like, for Christ's sake.

Since it was your boyfriends PARENTS number calling it, YDI. What if it were one of his parents calling?

lovebug177 21

The one time you answer the phone like that (I'm going to assume) your dad answers lol FYL

J15237 25

Kind of a ****** up situation, but I applaud you for trying to be sexy and seductive to give your relationship a very spicy moment.