By Laughluv - 02/01/2010 06:17 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 13/11/2010 17:55 - United States
By Tomb Raider Wannabe - 18/02/2014 01:57 - Australia - Premer
By bieberyoulittleSHIT - 31/08/2012 19:20 - United Kingdom - Goole
By kumbuck3t15 - 29/07/2012 20:20 - Mexico - Distrito Federal
Pro gamer move
By Anonymous - 28/11/2020 07:04 - France
By YoshiSqu4d - 22/05/2019 04:00
By JJ - 03/10/2015 07:42 - United States - Irwin
By notsofriendly - 06/11/2014 20:15 - United States - Austin
Rock n roll
By theskippster - 30/05/2009 01:10 - United States
By john r.t. - 10/11/2012 00:30 - United States - Eagle Pass
Top comments
#24: Perfect username.
I like to use akimbo with the model 187 lol
Ewwwwwwww I hate people that r addicted to COD
the guy who wrote this fml fails at spelling
And you fail at grammar.
you both fail at life
we all fail! group hug!
in the showers!! pause not..
How? I don't see any mistakes.
Kill buy moving, huh? I actually thought that was an action in the game until I realized what you meant. Don't worry. Call of Duty is very popular among geeks right now. My boyfriend and all of his friends play. :-p
You're confusing geeks and people who play games, they are not the same. Op, get a new hobby, if you're that easily influencd then you shouldn't be playing games like this. I've been playing games for 20 years now and not once has this ever been an issue.
heyy, i love modern warfare 2, does that make me a geek? =[
How do you have a boyfriend
129 beat me to it XD
how would you have a bf, seriously.
What?!? a lot of the guys who I knw play are just delinquents wasting their time coz they hv nothing better to do.. sad.. and I wouldn't say they are 'geeky', tbh, they seem more like rebels :/
*giggles* I could totally see my fiancée doing this!
My ex used to play Black so much that we were having lunch at this place, where we could see some construction going on at a distant building and he looked at one of the bobbing yellow safety helmets and exclaimed "damn, I have a clear headshot!" :D
Sounds like a fun person to have lunch with! =P
Doubt it.
Twunt, your life must now be complete. Congratulations on getting first. Not. As for CoD, whilst it can be pretty addictive, but that is sad!
Hey I came up with the word twunt
Im still waiting for the FML.....
Same here. FMLs are getting so lame.

Hmmm... from that information, I'm betting you're normally a sniper.
Im still waiting for the FML.....