By Lisa - 02/01/2010 07:02 - United States

Today, my boyfriend called my cell. I picked up and said "Hi, this is Lisa and I want you to fuck me raw". It was my dad. He was at my boyfriend's parent's house and forgot his phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 836
You deserved it 35 980

Same thing different taste

Top comments


zannysmiles 0

I don't understand why you would say something like that in the first place! you definitely deserved it.

heypeoplezzz 0

I don't think you deserved it because you saw it was your boyfriends phone. Lesson well learnt :)

you have a discusting vocabulary, that's really unattractive and not a turn on to hear. get some class!

First of all, the word you were trying to use to describe her vocabulary is *disgusting*. Second of all, it is her business how she talks to her boyfriend. Most people find talking dirty to be a turn on

3 are you stupid... lol im sorry but your comment made me laugh. read better next time.

Ydi for not making sure in the first place.. :S

Paramorefan2 1

how ****** desperate are you?

Im_An_FML_User 0

My name's Lisa. You've disgraced my name.

SimpleGr33n 4

now he knows your just like your mom