By Lisa - 02/01/2010 07:02 - United States

Today, my boyfriend called my cell. I picked up and said "Hi, this is Lisa and I want you to fuck me raw". It was my dad. He was at my boyfriend's parent's house and forgot his phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 836
You deserved it 35 980

Same thing different taste

Top comments


cpederso123 0

that's why you should answer the phone appropriatlly regardless of who it it is

did you still want him to **** u raw????

thegriffgriff 0

I'm wit 14. hit me up one day..

ahah , youur totally screwed . theres no way ouut of that one xp

shit dude that sucks but absolute fail on ur part. wow

DanielleTheOne 3

LOL i woulda held the phone away from my face and said "HEYY!! give me that" shook the phone around laughed and then said "Oh my gosh *insert friends name* is an idiot... Hi whos this??"

lol really! I've actually pulled this one before, it works haha

secret_woman 0

shut up...maybe ur just uncomfortable in ur relationship prude!!!