By lonely - 08/09/2018 22:00

Today, my boyfriend blocked me from every form of contact. He told my friend that we broke up, but never told me. I still have his clothes in my house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 168
You deserved it 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he has broken up with you, you have two options: Be nice, and return his clothes, or be spiteful, and set fire to them. Don't rush your decision, though. Bonfires are cool.

Goodwill is always taking donations. Give him 48 hours to get all his stuff out of your place.


I would try and talk to him beforw jumping to any conclusions. Do you know if the friend is telling the truth?

julfunky 29

I think being blocked from every source kind of backs up that info.

If he has broken up with you, you have two options: Be nice, and return his clothes, or be spiteful, and set fire to them. Don't rush your decision, though. Bonfires are cool.

Be the bigger person, box up his clothes and things and deliver to his home and walk away, it very immature to act as he did but no need for you fall to his level. Stand proud and know you will well be the better person in this. Also burning some one else property is illegal.

Only if it's within 30 days. After 30 days the property is deemed as "abandoned" and she can do whatever she wants to it.

Or she could drop it off at Goodwill and then he can buy it back.

Box up his stuff take a huge shit on it close box and return 😈

Goodwill is always taking donations. Give him 48 hours to get all his stuff out of your place.

those aren't his clothes, they're kindling

Donate the clothes. It’s not like you can contact him to ask whether he wants them back. Also, he’s a shitty person who ghosted you because he’s a coward.

I think boxing up his things is the best. Then donate them

Toss them in the trash! If you donate them, your ex-bf might see the person who’d bought it and try to take them back.