By anonymous - 21/12/2009 19:23 - United States

Today, my boyfriend decided to give me my Christmas present early because he's going to his grandparents' house for Christmas and won't see me. I was excited, until I unwrapped a sweater that I left there a month ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 235
You deserved it 2 997

Same thing different taste


Bsane 0

Maybe it was a break up gift lol, or probably it was another way of him saying " I hate when u leave your sh*t here". Then this story is even funnier

James1993 0

check this out

girlygirl666 0

It's the thought that counts? Maybe you were going crazy looking for it, and maybe it was your Most Favoritest Sweater Ever! So he knew how happy you would be to finally see it again. He just wanted to give you something he knew you would like. Nah... He's just a cheap shit.

themixedt4pe 0

Today, my boyfriend and I decided to exchange Christmas presents early because he's going to his grandparents' house for Christmas and won't see me. I got him a $30 tie. He didn't give me anything, and I still love him to death because I don't just love him because he's supposed to give me stuff. ^True story.

Your life is kinda sucky, and you're kinda desperate, no? :X Especially since he'd agree to "exchange" gifts, implying he'd bring one. And the need to tell us your life and your relationship with your guy is rather attention-whorish, by the way.

themixedt4pe 0

To be fair to my boyfriend, he apologized profusely for not having a gift for me yet, as opposed to giving me my own sweater, but still... that the fact that the OP didn't get a real gift doesn't make their life ****** in my opinion.

nofxroxx341 0

FHL for being such a cheapskate asshole!

i woulda brought his gift back and gave him something HE already owned, with a smile of course :-)

rofl now thats a funny guy ! Merry christmas and happy all the other retarded holidays that people celebrate.

geesh, don't be so selfish. Christmas isn't all about good gifts. at least you got your sweater back.

ahahahahahahahahahahaha that fcking sucks