By Anonymous - 26/12/2011 15:32 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend did the washing as an attempt to help me. Not only are all my clothes now pink, he refuses to do the dishes, vacuuming, bathroom, ironing etc., as he has done "plenty." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 729
You deserved it 4 616

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm surprised you'd still want him to help after he just turned your wardrobe into Barbies' dream closet.

MikeMikeTheAzn 3


simmonds 4

R u from queensland or new south wales?

skyeyez9 24

So in other words, he is freeloading off of you and getting sex?

ZDK5498 6

well... it depends if you work or not or if he works or not... if he works and you don't. STOP bitching and do something useful... if you work and he does not. either get a new BF or lay down the law that he needs to clean more/ do dishes... if you both work you should divide EQUALLY...

skyeyez9 24

Even a housewife or gf who staus at home deserves a break sometimes. If that is the case, bf.should at least do the yard work and vehicle maintenence. Especially if she is at home with young children. She.should not be expected to do everything. And bf should not treat her like a maid either. I quit my job to stay with my daughter full time and I think working as a nurse was easier! At least at work, I had adult peers to talk to, and regular breaks.

blair_x 12

Well, at least you know now he won't **** up the rest of the cleaning.

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

If all men learned to help with housework-the world would be a better place.. Js.

desireev 17
Llamacod 11

Next time you guys are about to have sex go down on him til he is about to blow then stop, get dressed and refuse for him to finish from anything you do and tell him that it is time to stop as you have done "plenty"

Having a grateful girlfriend is the best. I expect OP's boyfriend to be posting on FML soon.

smileeee_fml 0

There's something called 'Take-Away'.