By Anonymous - 26/12/2011 15:32 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend did the washing as an attempt to help me. Not only are all my clothes now pink, he refuses to do the dishes, vacuuming, bathroom, ironing etc., as he has done "plenty." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 729
You deserved it 4 616

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm surprised you'd still want him to help after he just turned your wardrobe into Barbies' dream closet.

MikeMikeTheAzn 3


Make him get a job to pay for a maid. In the end it works.

If you have to dry the dishes. And you drop one on the floor. Maybe they won't let you. Dry the dishes anymore. - Shel Silverstein

broken_red_wagon 6

You know it's a well-thought out comment when it's quoting Shel Silverstein.

thiscrazything 1

This was probably the husbands attempt to get out of doing any and all future house work. Better do something to encourage him now ( ex; run away fast; kick him in the ass; hire a man- maid, etc)) or you might have a lot ad house work to do in your future.

mom2pen 4

Actually, the washing machine did the laundry. This guy was too lazy to sort it before turning some knobs. Worthless.

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All i read here was, give me a thumbs down please.

22jrdn - you misread it. Here's what it actually says: Blah blah misogyny blah blah I'm a douche blah blah kitchen blah blah sammich blah blah I'm a moron. See how much you missed? Glad I could help.

justspin 7

59- I wish I could thumb up your comment more! That was really funny. Made my day so much better!

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

40 - Not only does your comment deserve a thumbs down, you can't help but bitch yourself and it goes on and on...and on. *Cough*Hypocrite*Cough*

80 - Everything DocBastard says is either hilarious or just amazing. Sometimes I thumbs him up when I read his name before I read the comment because he's always right.

justspin 7

103- I know. Just I was having a shitty day but he made it better. I actually laughed.

The way I see it, he already ruined your clothes, what more do you want him to mess up?

Ditch his lazy ass. Do you really want to be his housemaid long term? By the way, he is not 'helping you' - that implies it's your job. He is doing his share.

Those are your jobs in the first place. Blasphemous women these days. . .

chels1994 11

So anymore only wash your clothes and do the dishes you use. You'll be doing plenty (: