By Anonymous - 26/12/2011 15:32 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend did the washing as an attempt to help me. Not only are all my clothes now pink, he refuses to do the dishes, vacuuming, bathroom, ironing etc., as he has done "plenty." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 729
You deserved it 4 616

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm surprised you'd still want him to help after he just turned your wardrobe into Barbies' dream closet.

MikeMikeTheAzn 3


bigjack1994 1
nastyness 0

Ever see the episode of everybody loves raymond where robert screws up the wedding stuff on purpose so amy wont ask him to do anything else? I bet your boyfriend's seen it.

NullPointer 20

That sucks. How bad it is depends on whether you live together or not. If not then he shouldn't be doing your chores, but if so then that's pretty bad. I wouldn't trust him with the complicated stuff, but he should be doing his part.

Lol well I don't think you should want him to those things now lmao...

KiddNYC1O 20

Do you know how time-consuming it is to fold laundry?

Why are u with this guy? And u should never trust a guy with ur clothess as I guess u have learned...

havocmike 3

You're dating a boy. Find a man. Until then, ydi

marissamay25 3

My boyfriend will either forget when I tell him he needs to do it or I'll start it and he'll forget to put it in the dryer.