By Noname - 13/02/2009 03:46 - United States

Today, my boyfriend dumped me because he said the relationship was too tough for him. When I asked for an example, he responded, "Like, I don't have enough time to play World of Warcraft." FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 657
You deserved it 7 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments

krawr 0

My boyfriend and I play WoW's basically how we bond...

Matisse_fml 0

I played Wow for about two years and finally broke free of it. It's funny that when you hear two people talk about the game and quitting, you can replace Wow with "crack" and it still makes sense. For example, "I quit Wow two months ago and whenever someone mentions it, I still get a little sad and anxious."


You can't choose only one of those, you gotta have both. When your gf is angry and your not getting laid, then you got wow, and when your game card as expired, then you get laid, but ofcourse if you gf is angry about the same time as your game card expires, you got a big problem.

people that r in relationships with people who play wow almost always never go out well

batehm 0

thts just wow! women are totally better then any video game in the world!!!!

Tweety122888 0

u don't wanna be with him anyway!! what an immature ass

true true and true, sometimes they are but most of the time girls are better than the game, id rather be w my girlfriend than play wow all day.