By ohman - 02/10/2010 06:28 - Singapore

Today, my boyfriend dumped me because 'I look like his hamster when I'm eating sunflower seeds.' FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 601
You deserved it 5 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lmfao thats pathetic dumping someone over how they eat, Anyway hamsters are cute?

obviously was just looking for any reason rofl


He probably sticks the hamster up his ass, and when she reminded him of a giant hamster, he got so excited that he dumped her before he had a heart attack.

YDI for dating a guy who would own a chubby rat but call it a different name, for dating a guy who would own any kind of rodent at all, for eating like a ******* pig and stuffing your chubby cheeks full of sunflower seeds as though you were chewing Redman, and most of all for MISUSING QUOTATION MARKS, YOU ILLITERATE GIANT RODENT! I doubt that your ex-BF said that he eats like his hamster, but with how you used those marks, that's what you said that he said. "I need to break up with you, because I look like some other guy's hamster [see, you can't keep your pronouns and antecedents straight, either!] when I eat sunflower seeds". And on a different note, the only reason to buy a rodent is to feed it to a cat, snake, hawk, or some other predator that actually makes a decent pet.

sduhamel 0

OMG GET A LIFE PLEASE-.- th gal juz got her heartbroken idiot! and i dun see why ure wasting so much of ur time to type such a looong comment so yeah FYL

So does this mean your furry like a hamster too, and then when homeboy saw you eating said seeds it just sent him over the edge?? You cant have your cake and eat it too. Its either be furry or shove nuts in your mouth until your cheeks explode. Your just being greedy... Asshole...

Well it can be very disturbing who wants to have sex with someone who looks like their hamster?

YDI for eating sunflower seeds. Chicks shouldn't eat something that unflattering.

Oh, yeah, because drinking beer and spilling food all over your potbelly is super attractive. Especially as your slumped on the couch in your underwear.

Sounds like you wouldn't go out with such a person anyways, so why bring that up when clearly you wouldn't go with someone like that in the first place?

YDI for eating sunflower seeds. Chicks shouldn't eat something that unflattering.

sduhamel 0

I WOULD LIKE TO CLARIFY MY ORIGINAL FML WAS SUBMITTED LIKE THAT " Today, my boyfriend dumped me because apparently I look like his hamster when I'm eatig sunflower seeds and he couldn't bare the thought of having sex with his "hamster". MY FML WAS MODERATED I DID NOT MISUSE THE QUOTATION MARKS!!!!!!!! if anyone of u happened to moderate my FML, you could cfm that.

ajilocks 0

what was the real reason he broke up with you? because thats a bad excuse