By ohman - 02/10/2010 06:28 - Singapore

Today, my boyfriend dumped me because 'I look like his hamster when I'm eating sunflower seeds.' FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 601
You deserved it 5 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lmfao thats pathetic dumping someone over how they eat, Anyway hamsters are cute?

obviously was just looking for any reason rofl


XxdarkangelxX13 0

hahaha I'm sorry but thts a dumb reason maybe he was just looking for a way to break up without hurting ur feelings that much :P

MjsBabyAngel 0

LMFAOOOOOOOOO!! Hilarioussss!!

awww, poor you! I love my GF for the exact same reason! It's so cute...

sduhamel 0

aw ure so sweet! haha wish my bf was like u!!

So? You rid your life of a complete moron. Where's the FML?

samanthar 0

i woulda said and u act like the peice of shit that comes out of my ass and im gonna do to u what i do to peices of shit. flush them out of my life and get over it.

confusdsincbirth 5

Maybe he shouldnt watch you eat sunflower seeds.. o_O

QwertyMcNugget 0

Hamtato! We like sun flower seeds crum, crum, crum! :3