By freed - 29/01/2014 05:13 - United States - Cincinnati

Today, my boyfriend finally succeeded in unhooking my bra with one hand, excitedly exclaiming, "Boobies be free!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 585
You deserved it 12 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Boobies should always be released into the wild. He was trying to do a good deed.


If he does that, then he's probably not mature enough to see them.

I send him a congruts. 2 hands are hard enough and I'm a girl.

Xarxai 3

Is it bad that I find that absolutely adorable?

BlackJusticeJr 2

Have a sense of humor about it and don't let it kill the mood. I would have found that funny. Plus, boobies need a little freedom.