By freed - 29/01/2014 05:13 - United States - Cincinnati

Today, my boyfriend finally succeeded in unhooking my bra with one hand, excitedly exclaiming, "Boobies be free!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 585
You deserved it 12 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Boobies should always be released into the wild. He was trying to do a good deed.


Nastorrian 11

That's not an FML moment in my opinion. I personally think it's a good thing when you can joke around like that with your husbandwife in any situation especially situations that are intimate. My wife knows I turn into a 12 year old when she takes off her shirt and she just giggles with me and we have fun. Obviously I know when to be serious and such. But I think it makes us that much stronger and closer to know we can joke and play around, no matter the situation. But that's just my take on it is all. To each their own.

Nastorrian 11

On a side note. "Boobies be free" Should be a bumper sticker. I'd buy it.

How exactly is this an FML? You have a boyfriend with a sense of humor and the ability to release your tit harness with one hand? I've worn a bra for 17 years, I still can't open it with one hand. Boobies are a wonderful thing, let them fly free.

why fyl? your boobies are free! thats always a relief after being trapped so long. good job to your boyfriend! theyre always a bitch to unhook >.<

Sperratic 2

Hey what was that for!!?? Was there offence??

mxij 13

Still not as good as docbastard