By highfive - 17/10/2014 01:27 - United States - Dedham

Today, my boyfriend gave his penis a high five for not getting me pregnant. He does this every time I get my period. Every. Single. Time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 351
You deserved it 7 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments


ThexFroggyGirl 21

Oh darn he does this once a month how terrible.

Next time he does it, simply look at him and say "does that mean you are shooting blanks?"

i actually think that's funny, or is that wrong? it's like us woman thanking mother nature for telling us we're not :) although it's a pain in the ass each week ;P

Yeah, mother nature lets us know we're not pregnant by taking the un-fertilized egg, tearing the walls down, expelling everything through our one "fun hole", while our muscles cramp, bodies retain fluid, abhore anything with testosterone, and crave tim tams and ice cream. Cheers mother nature, appreciate it. And each week? Just how long is your cycle hun?

i wonder what'll happen when he does get you pregnant... will he slap it?

He obviously doesn't realise what it means if you aren't on the pill and he doesn't use a condom... He's sterile. See if he still high fives it then. In any case you guys are pretty silly to be having unprotected sex if you don't want a baby.

That doesn't necessarily mean he's sterile. Women can have reproductive disorders that can prevent them from getting pregnant as well...

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Unless you want to be pregnant you should give it a high five too.

Maybe you should start high fiving it every month for not diluting the gene pool !! ??

hahahahahaha do your nuts hang low do they wobble to and fro can ya tie em in a knot? can you tie em in a boe?