By laury - 09/05/2012 02:05 - Canada - Port Elgin

Today, my boyfriend informed me that I look like my dad when I orgasm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 564
You deserved it 3 646

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ss_20_xx 14

Sometimes i get gray hair and a full beard when I ****** too.


Could've been worse. He could've said that your dad and you make the same face when you ******!

marisadc79 0

And how exactly did he get that information? Awkward and creepy.

ChickInGreenVans 12

This post is quiet creepy and absurd.. However something tells me that (although wasn't said in this post) that this guy fantasises about your dad.. Like why would he bring your dad up at that particular moment?? Like really now.. This guy needs professional help!! As in NOW!!

Like father like son, but in your case like father like daughter

What does your dad look like when he orgasims?

Well, if he likes that, he just might be a homosexual, just saying

Congratulations! Sex is now ruined for you forever!

jaredofmo 22

It's possible OP might be a guy, so VERY ****.

debbster7 18