By cowgurl91 - 13/01/2010 21:40 - France

Today, I found out that my boyfriend was going to propose to me about three months ago. I was completely surprised and asked why he didn't. At that time, I had told him to stop looking at me like that and go buy me some damn tacos. I was 2 months pregnant then. Now he wants to wait a couple of years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 262
You deserved it 42 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Can you blame him for not asking to marry you when you're being rude to him like that? It looks like it hit him hard because he still remembers what you said to him. It's nice to see you guys have a pretty good line of communication, but I wouldn't hold this against him. All the thought was there. If it bums you out so much, maybe you should be the one asking him to marry you.

Sun_Kissed18 25

She said pregnant, not civilized


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Sun_Kissed18 25

She said pregnant, not civilized

Maddoctor 10

Yeah, because men don't talk to women the exact same way.

cucuto89 0

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Maddoctor 10

Yes, but social stereotypes are changing. And in neither case is it acceptable, or at the very least if it is ok for men to talk to women in a domineering manner then women should have that same right without being labeled as a bitch.

I guess you didn't get the memo, that stereotype has changed already. Women are more independent and in control than they were even just a couple of years ago. Watch some movies, they are often shown putting "their man" in "his place" when he steps out of line. It is also now the norm for women to be depicted in all forms of media as productive members of society with important jobs, contributing to the world. They are often shown vacationing on their own, doing things like backpacking, rock climbing, etc. What world do you live in where you don't see that the entire stereotype of what a woman acts like has changed completely?

^ This. But it goes to the same sterotype of: "Women want equal rights and to be considered just as good as their male counterparts, but still want special treatment and understanding when things go bad for them." I'm not saying women aren't just as qualified as males to do a task, I'm more fed up with still acting like special treatment is deserved. Who cares if shes pregnant? She can't control herself to not get pissed off randomly over her significant other looking at her? As if males have never had a bad day or been pissed off, but when they vent they're called assholes for speaking their mind. Women always hide behind the Pregnancy / PMS card. Clear example: Male had a bad day at work, eventually getting fired. He was slightly annoyed by it, then was stuck in horrible traffic. Eventually getting home, he was quite peeved to walk into his house to where his girlfriend started yelling at him that there wasn't any tacos in the damn house; she happened to be pregnant and had some cravings. Female had a bad day at work, eventually getting fired. She was slightly annoyed by it, then was stuck in traffic. Eventually getting home, she was quite peeved to walk into his house to where her boyfriend started yelling at her that there wasn't any tacos in the damn house; He was hungry and had some cravings. Almost same scenario (only differing by pregnancy) yet social standards are to label the male in Scenario 2 as a prick, and leave his ass. Soclal standards of Scenario 1 is just "oh.. shes pregnant. Women aren't in control of themselves while they're making a baby. It's totally acceptable to start yelling randomly."

Wtf?! This "But it goes to the same sterotype of: "Women want equal rights and to be considered just as good as their male counterparts, but still want special treatment and understanding when things go bad for them"" is the most sexist sentence I've ever read. Women want equal rights? "WOMEN" want that? Like there are no male feminists and all women just have some crackpot idea of equality? What a load of bullshit. In the 60s, was it just black people who thought they shouldn't be discriminated against any longer, or did perhaps one or two white people get in on the act as well? Humans are humans, and there should never be any question of inequality. If you're going around thinking that it's only women who want equality, to be raised up to the dizzy heights of men then you are most definitely part of the problem.

Well, all of you morons writing about "social stereotype of the time" can get out of your way-back machine and join me in 'today'. The rest of you proudly declaiming women's equality should really tone it down a bit; one, it makes you look like you have a monumental chip on your shoulder, and two, are you really that proud to be acting more like men? You want to emulate the very behaviours you've castigated men for since... the dawn of time? Hey, welcome to manhood. Enjoy. Everyone gets pissed off. If you're stupid enough to believe this guy decided to wait to marry her based solely on this one comment, give your head a shake. Either she's an uber-bitch downplaying her role, or he's just coasting, happy not to rock the boat.

Ye_Editor 0

What a crock. If a man doesn't want to deal with a woman being unreasonable during pregnancy he should get his fellas snipped?? How about: if a woman doesn't want to control her emotions (it iS possible!) during pregnancy and at least act like a decent human being, she gets her tubes tied! So tired of women using raging hormones as an excuse for getting away with bad behavior.

Ye_Editor 0

Generally they don't. What men have you been hanging around with?

Maddoctor 10

Wow, I sparked a mad debate here.

I somehow feel the need to repost a paragraph because Jordan_McDeere, as well as others, must of failed the basic reading comprehension classes in school. "it goes to the same sterotype of: "Women want equal rights and to be considered just as good as their male counterparts, but still want special treatment and understanding when things go bad for them." I'm not saying women aren't just as qualified as males to do a task, I'm more fed up with still acting like special treatment is deserved." To sum it up: Did I say women shouldn't have equal rights? No. By all means, they should. I hate feeling like I have to treat them in a different manner then anyone else; but by asking for equal right and still expecting special treatment (using PMS and Pregnancy as an excuse to fly off the handle and become a bitch to anyone for instance) is unacceptable in my book. They wanted equal rights, and they should have equal rights. Every last bit of it, good and bad. Blessing and Curse. Otherwise I fully support males using "Rage" as a viable excuse to fly off the handle and start a rampage. By all means, it's only fair and equal.

I hate to nitpick, Avdacora...but "must of failed"? That in itself is failure of basic's "must have" :P But you do have some good point that are valid. Also, OP, YkindaDI, but I suppose you weren't to know that he was going to propose to you, so I say more FYL.

you are a fag, a sexist fag! men dont have an excuse, women do. i hope you burn in the depths of hell until you experience the pain women do!

bezach 0

I still follow alot from medevil times I'll get back to ya in about 310 years

bezach 0

also you sound like a diva slighly =/ want pain? try living life knowing your friend, family and class mates hate you. not to mention night after night of bleeding it out. so don't complain about pain for pain is but an excuse for fear.

ydi. I don't give a **** if you're pregnant or not, you don't order around your significant other. be gla he's giving you a probation period before doing something he might regret. you've got no one to blame but yourself op

She's pregnant, her hormones are RAGING. It's pretty normal for pregnant women to react like that.

62- Since when do stereotypes make ANYTHING okay?

googlefrewdnoob 0

You're a retard, he meant that women DO expect some form of special treatment.

I'm a GURL and I totally support the cause of having equal rights, I also agree that so long as women can be ******* bitches to everyone and nobody has to think twice because they can ******* control themselves so that they blame it on hormones men have a right to rage a be absolute pricks. Like seriously, quit blaming everything on hormones, you're just being a bitch.

A pregnant one! Pregnancy is not an "excuse" to be an asshole, it literally changes a woman so much during that time, she can't help it. Your uncomfortable, irritable, tired and full of off kilter hormones, and a man who can't understand, accept and work with his woman during her neediest time need not apply to be a husband or a dad. Just saying, guys don't know what it's like.

Mest_Is_Wicked 0

No need for the comma right there bud. And this FML...I don't get it.

You have been nominated for stupidest comment ever! Congratulations, and see you at the award show.

littlelemur 2

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Hey, we don't know if this is a common thing for her. Sounds to me like he wouldn't put off proposing just for one comment, it seems likely she does it alot. YDI.

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I was about to ask my girl's dad's permission about 3 years ago. We had gone through a rough time but had a few months of relative peace. Anyways, I was in China on a trip and she called me up and chewed my ear off for about 50 minutes with problems that I had no way of being able to help with but somehow it was all my fault. So I backed out - bugger that for a 60 year joke.

rudegirlmania 10

Sorry lemur, you're kind of an idiot. Just because you're pregnant does not give you the right to act like a royal bitch. Sweet, kind-hearted women wouldve said "I would really appreciate it if you could get me some tacos." or something along the lines of ASKING her boyfriend to do her a favor rather than sitting on her tiny, hardly even gained weight yet ass and demanding that of him. If she talks to her boyfriend like that, it's obviously a long-term bitchiness and now just a bad day thing

HaileyBeth16 1

Pregnant people usually are moody especially after they're going through morning sickness and all that not so wonderful stuff of pregnancy....relationships are never perfect

Your comment reflects your intelligence.

allen20 0

#1 shes not civilized...just look at her name "cowgurl" shes from a barn dude

analo_fml 8
kidcucumber 0

I really don't, get the fml, because the sense isn't, made right, or maybe, wrong emphas-is on wrong syll-a-ble

Hey Slim Shady, it actually makes perfect sense...

African_diva 0

nothing is wring with what you said. i can see why this is an FML. sorry.

Can you blame him for not asking to marry you when you're being rude to him like that? It looks like it hit him hard because he still remembers what you said to him. It's nice to see you guys have a pretty good line of communication, but I wouldn't hold this against him. All the thought was there. If it bums you out so much, maybe you should be the one asking him to marry you.

Well, she was pregnant, also meaning hormonal and having cravings, she was probably dying for some tacos and he aught to have been more considerate considering. A guy can't really afford to have hurt feelings over something so insignificant when she's pregnant. If she wasn't period then that's a different story, but her entire physiology was changing, she's bound to have a cranky day or two. Even if it wasn't the right time for it and the mood was ruined, he could've waited a day, or a week, instead of changing his mind entirely and wait another few years. He probably wasn't ready to get married, anyway, and had decided to propose to her prematurely.

I meant to say pregnant, not period. Whoops.

And what makes you say he wasn't ready? Where do you get that assumption from?

By the fact that he couldn't even handle a tiny bit of grumpiness during a stressful and hormonal time where she didn't even say anything bad about him without regretting his decision. Of course maybe I am wrong, maybe he was completely ready to marry her, maybe he changed his mind for a different reason.

cucuto89 0

I think the real problem is she never told him she was pregnant

There's never a good excuse to be grumpy, yet people get grumpy, anyway. Unless you've never gotten grumpy and snapped at someone because they were staring at you intensely (and you couldn't read their mind that they were building up the confidence to propose - I can imagine exactly the way he might've been staring and it would've made me uncomfortable, too) then you can't really hold it against someone because they did it one time when they were hormonal and craving.

No, PMS or pregnancy isn't an excuse. I have depression... whoopity do.... I'm not going to snap at my girlfriend because I had a bad day at work. (Not saying this was the case exactly with the OP. Hell, she could have just been teasing him. "Get in the kitchen and make me a damn sammich, boy!"